Long time no chat. I've been pretty busy moving from the North to the south to advance my IT Mobility career that I had to put this site on pause. This job does not allow me the time to work on this site while on the clock. Much stronger firewalls here!
This update is to announce that I have moved the Wiki from Wikidot to Miraheze. Miraheze runs the same platform Wikipedia does and gives a much purer Wiki experience!
The URL is still Wiki.MobilityEngineer.com
I hope to get a few pages done in the coming weeks... feel free to help and not vandalize anything.
Thank you to Miraheze for quickly creating my account, wiki, and provisioning the CNAME. I've sent this great non-profit a few coins. If you can, visit https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Donate
No Spam, Please!